MediBloc in Korea receives President Award of Korea Internet & Security Agency at 17th Korea Internet Awards in Korea

Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2022


Hello, this is the MediBloc team.

MediBloc in Korea won the President Award of Korea Internet & Security Agency at the 17th Korea Internet Awards hosted by the Korea Federation of ICT Organizations and the Korea Internet & Security Agency.

The Korea Internet Awards, which began in 2006 and celebrated its 17th anniversary this year, selects and awards technology, service institutions, and companies that have achieved excellent results in the continuous development and cultural expansion of the Internet industry.

The Internet innovation award is given to companies that have contributed to Internet technology and service innovation through new technologies, convergence technology development. MediBloc in Korea was honored for building medical chart programs based on cloud systems. In addition, MediBloc in Korea was credited with providing medical information platform services based on blockchain technology and applying and distributing them to the medical industry by developing related Internet technologies and building ecosystems.

Dr. Eunsol Lee, the CEO of MediBloc in Korea, said, “We are very pleased that MediBloc in Korea contributed to the development of the medical data industry. We will continue to take the lead in distributing the latest Internet technologies to the medical industry by combining the latest Internet technologies such as blockchain.”

MediBloc in Korea will continue to promote the development of the medical information industry through steady development and growth.

Thank you

